C 1 сентября!!!)

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Прошли дожди. Пыль суеты осела.

Стал воздух чище. На душе покой.

Вошёл Сентябрь в мои сады несмело,

Подёрнув листья лёгкой сединой.


Прижалась ива, шелестя, к окошку,

Назойливого ветра сторонясь;

Пусть сердце погрустит ещё немножко,

В природе новых чувств уединясь.


Как светел мир, очищенный дождями,

Как хочется надеяться, любить…

Но можно ли молитвой и слезами

Грехи души, как пыль земную смыть.


В.Стр@нник                     01.09.2006 г.





мне мама сказала, что в этом году

мне купит портфель, и я в школу пойду;

учебники, ручки, резинки, тетрадки,

я взрослый уже, так прощайте детсадки!

прощайте в песочницах детки-малышки,

друзьями мне стали давно уже книжки,

мне папа нотбук подарил, и теперь:

окно Интернета — в познание дверь,

из ламера в хакера вырасту я,

и там виртуальная будет семья,

прощай моё детство! тебя провожая,

в страну взрослой жизни

я смело въезжаю,

я выпью пивка, и пройдусь по Арбату,

мы в прошлом году

здесь «подчистили хату».


Комментариев 108

  1. + -
    LesestabeCelM Офлайн 22 сентября 2011 01:56

    My dog was attacked by a pitbull mix last nite, who tied to a pole outside his hse on a 20 ft rope, unsupervised. My dog is a chihuahua and is very lucky tto be alive . He is going to be all right! We were on our way home from the park--my dog was on a short leash. the owners paid the vet bill and said the dog had never done anything like that before. They said he plays with the chihuahua across the street all the time. I hope they donґt leave him out like that any more. They said they just moved there. I plan on walking by (without my dog) to see if the situation has changed. they seem genuinely sorry, but I hope it doesnґt happen to some other unsuspecting dog. Why would this happen? Maybe new environment, or maybe being tied like that makes the dog feel vunerable? They also said their dog likes chase cats but has never hurt one---maybe he smelled my cat on my dog? They donґt seem like the type of people who would try to make a dog aggressive. They have a catahoula hound dog too and they have had not any problems between them. I would like any comments and discussion about this as this has upset me very badly!

  2. + -
    selfemployed Офлайн 21 сентября 2011 13:32

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    fancif Офлайн 21 сентября 2011 07:30

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  4. + -
    Ceapseaffoppy Офлайн 16 сентября 2011 22:29

    I myself was an abused wife. My husband at the time would hit me and tell me if I had not made him mad it would not have happened. He broke my ribs,bruised me, locked me in closets, put me down in front of others, called me names and told me no one else would want me because I was worth nothing. He refused to let me cook, clean or do anything. Be cause he said I was not smart enough. This also happened in front of my sons. The beatings got worse so I had to leave. Now my life is better. I am going to collage and in a good relationship. My advice to you is to leave and get help repairing your self esteem. I can tell you from experience that it takes a long time but in the end it is worth it. You are worth more than letting a man beat you. If you stay it will never get any better no matter what he promises you. It is not your fault for what he is doing. I always thought it was my fault but learned through therapy it was not. He needs help for his problem. Unless he helps himself you cannot help him. I know it is painful to think of a life on your own but it gets better. The love of friends and family can help you. Good luck.

  5. + -
    Repp55 Офлайн 15 сентября 2011 11:33

    I fancy to leave shopping, hanging in default at coffee shops to people watch, going to the cinema, watching movies, singing and playing the guitar awfully ;)

  6. + -
    GriepeMooroff Офлайн 13 сентября 2011 21:34

    Я Вас любил так безнадежно, Не упрекая, не виня, Так пылко, бережно и нежно, Как дай Вам Бог любить меня. Простите за возможный оффтоп. Просто тема навеяла

  7. + -
    ImpopeHek Офлайн 13 сентября 2011 17:25

    I'm currently 14(nearly) and have been constantly bullied for nearly 2 years. It all started when I went to secondary school. The first month or so were ok, I had my best friend, made a couple of new friends everything was going fine, until a group of boys in my year group started to pick on me because I had braces and talked with a lisp, they made fun of my voice, shouted abuse at me whenever I tried to respond and threw food and hard sweets at me(which left me a painful lump on my head). I'm generally a shy person and don't talk much, but my best friends(or former best friends) are really confident, outgoing and aren't afraid to speak their mind, so they started to become popular and make other friends who automatically didn't like me and thought I was a shy wierdo and gradually more and more people started to judge me as a freak and dislike me. My parents are from a different country so my name isn't a common one, and that has been one of the major targets when people pick on me. I am SICK of people walking past me, or sitting next to me, saying my name in a wierd/funny voice and talking to me as if I was a 5 year old!!!!!!!! When I had an account on MSN, people from school used to post abuse too(cyberbullying). People have also called me fat and ugly because i have large hips and thighs. I started to self harm myself last year, slitting my wrists with sewing scissors and deliberately sticking a toothbrush down my throat and throwing up out of depression and not wanting to go to school. I even have problems with some older people, saying they knew me from when I was like 7 years old at primary school and they make fun of me(as usual). When I accidentally left my school planner in a classroom, I went to get it back at reception and found it broken, ruined and graffitied with the most threatening insults, such as "dirty fat slut, go back to your own country" By the start of this school year, the bullying had started again(even though my head of year last year had spoken to some of the pupils who were bothering me) and has gotten worse throughout the year. I now have no friends(the only ones I had have now become popular and ditched me) am still getting lots of bullying and abuse and one of my former friends has now started to turn particularly nasty. My parents have spoken to my current head of year, tutor and as many teachers as possible, but nothings changed and the bullies still continue. in short: almost the whole year group and possibly many other students hate my guts and think I'm just a quiet geek who likes classical music and studying and I'm strongly hurt by this because I'm NOT any of those things, just because i'm good at schoolwork doesn't make me a geek, classical music annoys the crap out of me and I can be loud and talkative when I want to, but if i try that in school people just roll their eyes at me, look at me wierdly or whisper abuse. I tried to be friends with these girls who I thought were nice to me, but every time I try to sit with them, talk or hand around with them, they run away as if they think I'm stalking them when i'm just trying to be friends. So at break or luchtime, I just wander round the school alone sick, and sad. I REALLY BADLY wanna get homeschooled but my parents won't let me :(. Is there a way I could easily get taught at home and still do all my G.C.S.E's in future because I am sick of getting uncontrollably abused at school(not just one person but many people targeting me) and I don't want to ruin my education, so I really want to find out if it's possible to be taught at home by someone, and if possible, what's the best option. Female, 14, U.K

  8. + -
    PollyWirsteno Офлайн 13 сентября 2011 03:35

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  9. + -
    PaulJY Офлайн 11 сентября 2011 14:49

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  10. + -
    nickolassperf Офлайн 11 сентября 2011 09:25

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  11. + -
    MrDisneyWorld Офлайн 10 сентября 2011 22:12

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  12. + -
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    Gotitadokip Офлайн 25 августа 2011 02:23

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  15. + -
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  16. + -
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  17. + -
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  18. + -
    carpinteyroooc Офлайн 22 августа 2011 12:35

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  19. + -
    Japspoins Офлайн 20 августа 2011 13:46

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  20. + -
    NickolasCambric Офлайн 15 августа 2011 16:55
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  21. + -
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  22. + -
    BeloglazowaYlya Офлайн 12 августа 2011 23:46

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  23. + -
    sandydf Офлайн 12 августа 2011 11:06
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  24. + -
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  25. + -
    redderds Офлайн 6 августа 2011 20:07

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  26. + -
    lmadmin Офлайн 5 августа 2011 10:46

    Цитата: Fataaccogue
    Хотелось бы узнать, сколько стоит реклама на вашем форуме?
    Кому адресован вопрос?

  27. + -
    Fataaccogue Офлайн 4 августа 2011 11:47
    Доброй ночи. Хотелось бы узнать, сколько стоит реклама на вашем форуме?
  28. + -
    UtedeArcate Офлайн 3 августа 2011 20:30
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  30. + -
    1blini Офлайн 2 августа 2011 19:41
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